
Monday, January 6, 2014

2013 in review

Well 2014 has snuck up on us (don’t all years). It is amazing to me how so often it seems like the days and weeks go by so slowly, but the years go by so fast! I cannot believe that Caroline will be 4 on Wednesday! Seriously, it boggles my mind. Anyway, I don’t make resolutions (most of the time). I tend to compile more of a ‘to-do’ list of sorts. There are certain things that I wish to accomplish each year and other projects that I try to ‘catch up’ on or things I wish to do around the house. Before posting the 2014 ‘to-do’ list, I like to look back and see how 2013 went. I try to review the list at least once during the year (probably why it doesn’t ever get done!) I should put it on my calendar to review monthly (ya think)

1. Read a book a month In a word, no.
2. Make Caroline’s photo book for 2012 -Done
3. Make a memorial photo book for the twins Not done-but the problem has been connecting my MAC to the printer so I can scan their ultrasound photos. Last night while cleaning my desk I found the CD, so I am going to work on getting them connected this weekend! After that there will be no excuses!
4. Finish Caroline’s baby scrapbook-This has been on the list for 3 years, and I’ve just decided that her photo book is enough and I’m not going to finish it. Sorry.
5. Organize pictures of our house- no—I did take some more to add to the pile though ;)
6. Lose 10 lbs. Close, but no. I did buy my first pair of skinny jeans, though. Does that count?
 7. Bake once a week. I’m sure I didn’t meet this, but you did get a Foodie Friday post every week, right? I count that as success.
8.  Try something new 2x a month for dinner. Eh, we made some cool new things, but probably not this often.
9.  Have people over for dinner once a month. We came pretty close to this! I even kept a list so I could keep track!! Now that my hubby is on board he wants to do this more!
10. Take more pictures of Caroline-More than 2012 anyway!
11. 10 Photo Shoots Did it!
8. Baby J- Newborn-I thought I had posted these already, whoops! They are coming 1/15/14!
12.  Organize recipes Did it! I think this was the first one on the list that was done last year!
13. Get preggers? Didn’t happen =(

It looks like I didn't do too bad after all! I did other things that aren't on the list of course. I made a photo book of our Engagement photos and 3 photo books for our cousin Jessica's Engagement, Bridal Shower and Wedding, so I haven't been a complete slacker!
In my next post, I'll talk about my goals or 'to-do' list for 2014 and how I actually plan to accomplish them.

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