
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

14 things 'to-do' in 2014

As I stated previously, I generally just make a ‘to-do’ list of things I want to accomplish during the year. I generally make them to be more than I can actually accomplish. Most of the items on the list generally have to do with preserving memories-or making photo books. I have managed to stay up to date since Caroline has been born, but I am still trying to catch up on the past. It's a time consuming task that can start to pile up on you if you don't keep moving! However, I have finally figured out a system. In my next post I will tell you how I will accomplish some of these!

1.     Make Caroline’s photo book for 2013—and 2014! This year I want to make the photo book as the year progresses. That way when January comes it is already done. We recently got the internet at home, so I am hoping this is a lot more feasible.
2.     Make a memorial photo book for the twins. See previous post.
3.     Make a photo book of our trip to Europe. This has already been started, but the trip was in 2005, so I am hoping I can remember it enough to make the photo book decent!
4.     Make a photo book of our trip to Gatlinburg in 2008. I know, I’m a little behind. (Can you tell I have a photo book obsession?)
5.     I don’t want to get too photo book ambitious, but I would like to at least start to find/organize my pictures for a photo book about my Pregnancy/Baby showers with Caroline. If I can get them uploaded to Shutterfly, I get bonus points.
6.     Organize pictures of our house. Must. Be. Done.
7.     Make a spring wreath. Last year I made a summer and fall wreath ( I will be posting them this year, because I suck at life), but would like to add a spring one to the mix this year. Any ideas?
8.     Have a yard sale. We had a yard sale last year and we don’t normally have one every year, but I have been in purge mode lately and I have a nice stack of things that I am ready to get rid of. I have a hard time just giving a lot of it away, but a sale, I can do!
9.     Bake once a week.
10.  Try something new 2x a month for dinner.
11.  Have people over for dinner once a month.
12.  Take more pictures of Caroline-Last year I got in 2 ‘official’ shoots. This year I am hoping for at least 4!
13.  15 Photo Shoots –last year was pretty photo heavy. I don’t really know many people expecting babies, so I expect there to be less picture taking this year. In any case, I’m hoping to at least have as many shoots as I had last year. I am still saving up for a new camera!

14.  Get preggers. This will be my year! 

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