
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

DIY Spring and Summer Door "Wreath"

Last summer I made this 'wreath' for our front door. It was pretty quick and easy and i think it turned out pretty cute. 

I bought the laser cut frame, letter T, welcome sign and flower at Michaels. Other tools include paint, E6000 glue, some magnets, ribbon and modpodge.

My 4 year old helped me paint the individual pieces

Then I covered them in a layer or two of modpodge. In my mind this helps to protect it from the elements. It is only partially protected from the weather.  I let things set for a day or so (In reality it may have been a couple weeks) and then I glued it all together with E6000. I would recommend this glue because it will not waver if the temperature gets too hot-just trust me..and keep reading.

I used a piece of gray ribbon that I had on hand and hung it from a command hook on my front door. I thought it would be fine, but it wouldn't stay straight and it kept hitting the door when it was opened or if it was windy. So I picked up some magnets from Jo-Anns and glued them on with hot glue. 

This was a bad idea. 

It was a pretty hot summer and the magnets came unglued. I resorted back to the E6000 and haven't had a problem since.

Now it hangs on the door without any actual assistance from the ribbon. It donned our front door for most of the spring and summer last year and is already out this year. I haven't gotten around to making one for spring yet. I have one in mind though!

I think that the whole project was around $15 and of course I have leftover modpodge, paint and glue to use on future projects.

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