
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Decorating with Pictures

This post was inspired by Kristen Duke's Yearly Series which taught me that something is better than nothing.

I love to go to other people’s houses and look at all their pictures. Our walls have been mostly bare for years and it drives me crazy. 

I have included some ideas here of ways to print and/or display your photos so you can cherish them for years to come.

I am guilty of taking tons of pictures and then allowing them to live on my computer. One of my goals last year was to get those pictures off my computer. 

We did a photo collage in the living room in the fall of 2012. The original intention was to have the 3 -5x7s be one photo for each child. Now they are all just of Caroline. The color green on our living room walls is 300x more repulsive in person.Yes our house was still decorated for Christmas when I took these pictures..

I am almost done with a small collage in Caroline’s room. This project has taken forever. Does anyone know how to hang a plate without a nail? I really want to hang that plate, but DH will not let me put a hole in the wall! 
I am really cheap with pretty much everything and photos/displays can be expensive. Don’t let the cost of decoration with photos get you down. I know how to get cheap almost everything ;) Basic frames are like $4 at Target, and equally cheap at Ikea (road trip!). We don’t have any white in our house, but I bought a white frame at Target and a 40¢ bottle of paint and painted the pink frame with Caroline's birth statistics.

Canvases or metal prints are a great way to display photos without a frame. I like to use Canvas on Demand for my canvases, because they are great quality and they almost always have a groupon available. ;) The black and white eyelash photo above is an 11x14 canvas. I also got a 24x36 canvas, but my MIL snagged it. Love them.

I recently finished a small collage in our bedroom. I wanted to do 4-12x12 photos in square, but I realized that size was just too large for our wall. So I chose a 12x12 photo frame matted to 8x8. I also got a great deal on these at Michaels! (Like 70 % off-on sale and I had a coupon!!)
 Ideally I would like to have some of the macro pictures that I have taken of flowers from our yard in these frames, but these pictures will do for now.

I want to do something on this wall in our bedroom. DH doesn't want to do another collage because we already have one of those on the adjacent wall, but this little picture isn't doing it for me. I thought about trying to frame one family photo a year in a 4x6 or 5x7 frame. Anyone else have any ideas?

The picture above our bed was a gift from my aunt and uncle. My uncle's brother is a photographer and for Christmas they let us pick a picture for above our bed. It's hard to see it well with the glare. You can see the picture here.

I haven’t been very good about printing and displaying my pictures, but one thing I always do is a yearly photo book.

I like to use Shutterfly for my photo books. I get free photo books for using My Coke Rewards points and I signed up for their emails and they run half off sales ALL THE TIME. I try to finish my photo books in the spring and then hang out until I can get a good sale-usually in early November. (I usually use them as Christmas gifts) and if I order my ornaments and photo books at the same time I usually end up paying .50 for each extra page +tax. That's it. It pays to plan ahead, people!

My photo books for Caroline go from Birthday to Birthday. Since she was born the first week of January it was a little weird trying to figure out if I should do it based on the fiscal year or not, but I like ending her book with her birthday party. Looking back, I wish I had done the fiscal year. From now on I am going to do family yearbooks –instead of making it all about Caroline, because it will be easier to do one book per year as we have more children.

I also do a Shutterfly ornament for our tree every year (and as gifts for our parents). I’m so glad I decided to do this. It’s fun to look at them every year and see how much she has grown when we put them on the tree…and there’s only 5 ornaments now!

Those are a couple of the places in our (small) house where we have 'decorated with pictures.' Hopefully I will be able to do a couple more photo decorating projects this year!

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