
Friday, November 8, 2013

Homemade Applesauce {Foodie Friday}

Sorry for the craptastic photo, y'all. This time change is killing me. Don't get me wrong, I love that I get the sunrise back for a couple of weeks while I am driving to work, but that means it is practically dark by the time I get home from work. No light=bad pictures. Regardless, you should make applesauce. Because apples are on sale, they are healthy,this recipe is delicious, because I said so, and because you always do what I say, right? Right. 
I've never actually made applesauce before. The stuff from the store tastes pretty good to me, but my opinion has changed since the day this happened. It's kind of like pie crust. Once you start making your own, you can't go back to the store bought stuff. This recipe is so easy..and I'll even tell you a secret. The way to keep the apples from browning while you are peeling them is to put them in salt water. I never measure or anything..just sprinkle some in. It is better than lemon juice (which also works) because it doesn't change the taste of the apples. I saw that on pinterest somewhere. So go try it, you will be amazed!

One Year Ago: Pumpkin Cheesecake Crumble Bars
Two Years AgoChocolate Chip Muffins

Homemade Applesauce

12 apples -- peeled, sliced, cored 
1/2 cup sugar (less would be fine) 
sprinkle cinnamon on top – at least a teaspoon 
dash of nutmeg (optional)

Thrown it all in the crockpot and cook on high for 4 hours. 

Makes your house smell so yummy too!

Source: Thrifty Decor Chick

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