
Monday, January 14, 2013

13 Goals for 2013 {Monday Me}

It’s a little late, but it’s still January so I’m still working on making my resolutions. This time of newness is refreshing and it certainly makes me want to be more productive in my personal life. It’s a shame I have to work.

I made some pretty lofty goals last year, and shockingly (or not) I didn’t complete several of them. Actually it was about half…but honestly, I’m ok with that. Life happens. You just have to learn to roll with the punches. This year I am making more goals (because that’s the cool thing to do) and these are a little less’s just easier (for me)that way.

1.       Read a book a month
·         Same goal as last year. It’s easy to knock these out in the car. I probably won’t attempt to post them all on the blog, because that didn’t go so well last year. We’ll see. If you have suggestions, leave a comment!
2.       Make Caroline’s photo book for 2012
·         If I could get it done by May like I did last year that would be awesome. Really it will only take 4 hours to do once I get all the pictures edited and uploaded..but when was the last time I had 4 hours to waste?
3.       Make a memorial photo book for the twins
·         This blog kind of fell off the face of the earth after July. That’s because my husband and I found out we were expecting twins. Also, I am miserable when pregnant, so I get almost nothing accomplished. That’s also part of the reason I didn’t get many things on my 2012 goals completely done. Anyway, our boys were stillborn on December 19th at 26 weeks. It’s sad indeed, but this isn’t the place for that. I want to make a book of their short little lives anyway. Mostly for us and close family to be able to remember.
4.       Finish Caroline’s baby scrapbook
·         Yes, I still have this on the list because I didn’t finish it last year (i.e. I didn’t work on it at all!)…gosh I just want to be done with it so I can stop admitting that it’s not done!
5.       Organize pictures of our house
·         I know. It didn’t get done.
6.       Lose 10 lbs.
·         I managed to gain about 25 lbs during the 26 weeks I was pregnant with the twins. It all needs to go away..and quickly so I can button my pants again.
7.       Bake once a week
·         Like I’s a goal. It might not happen every week, but let’s keep things moving in the kitchen, k?
8.       Try something new 2x a month for dinner
·         I was originally going to put once a week, but that’s really, really pushing it. So 2x a month I think I can actually commit to. This doesn’t mean it has to be something I’ve never eaten before, just something that I have never made before. This shouldn’t be difficult. LOL.
9.       Have people over for dinner once a month
·         A big part of why we don’t often have guests over for dinner is because we have a very small house with almost no seating. This year for Christmas, my MIL got us two folding chairs that we can use at our kitchen table. Now we can have 3 people over! Woot! We don’t see our friends enough, so this year I would like to try to have SOMEONE over for dinner at least once a month. Maybe you should just call and invite yourself over…seriously.
10.   Take more pictures of Caroline
·         In 2012 there were 3 months where I took 0 pictures of Caroline. That can’t happen again. I would like to do at least 4 actual photo shoots with her, but other than that, I just need to be more regular with taking pictures on a regular basis.
11.   10 Photo Shoots
·         Last year I did 5 photo shoots + 2 weddings that I have yet to blog about *sigh*. The only way to learn is to get out and do it, so this year I would like to double that number. I can’t wait until spring. I am ready to get out and shoot now!
12.   Organize recipes
·         This will be a quickie. I just need to get some binders and a large table to get this project going. You should see how many recipes I have. I feel like they are exploding. If only there were more hours in a day to cook, sleep, edit pictures…oh sorry. This was supposed to be about organizing..see how distracted I get?
13.   Get preggers?
·         I would like to wait until the fallish/end of year time before we start rolling on this again, but we’ll just have to wait and see how that goes.

1 comment:

  1. I think goals #6 and #7 might be in direct contrast to one another :) I like your baking, but for both of ours sake, maybe baking twice a month would be sufficient :)
